Aug 3, 2016

Thank you very much!

Dear Readers and followers,

This is my 429th post after I started this blog back in 2007 and this post is dedicated to you as you have been an asset for me to take my blog to this height. For your love and support, my blog, which I used to say ‘News of Nepal’ i.e. newsnp (later I named it ‘my news log’), has been receiving a good response. Thank you very much for being with me.

Nothing remains constant. My profession has also changed and I do not write as a media person anymore. I also gave a thought to shut it down; but for the traffic, which I have been witnessing, encouraged me to continue with the blog. So, from now onward, I will be writing about fields of my interest and share news, reports, articles, and interviews, among others.

Whatever I write here is my personal opinion.

Thank you,

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