Prachanda informed that some handful national and international agents and brokers were not happy with the Maoist joining the government as his party is taking nationalistic agenda for the economic development of the country.
Citing the much-controversial issue of Melamchi, Prachanda said that his party is facing tremendous pressure from such forces as they took the agenda of national interest in the Melamchi issue.
Addressing the 41st annual general meeting of the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industries (FNCCI) in Kathmandu Monday, Maoist supremo said, “Existing economy is feudalistic and dominated by foreign powers so we have to face the challenge raising a even a small issue like of Melamchi”.
“We always welcome foreign investment and aid but we can’t bear the terms and conditions of the foreigners to run this country. Brazil and Mexico went bankrupt as they followed the prescription of foreigners”, Prachanda added.
He also said that Nepali people themselves are capable of running this country and “being slave to white skin attitude” is main hurdle for economic development of the country.
Responding to a query of the businessmen on the issue of extortion, Prachanda said it is unjustifiable to blame the Maoists party for extortion just for asking some rupees with people while international commission agents and feudalists are piling up billions of rupees in foreign countries extorting from Nepal.
Defending the activities of Young Communist League (YCL), he also claimed “Business and industries are not flourishing in Nepal due to the rent seeking and commission seeking feudalistic structure of the state” adding “it is not because of the activities of YCL”.
Addressing the programme, Maoist second –in-command Dr. Baburam Bhattarai said it is unacceptable the terms and conditions of Asian Development Bank (ADB) to reward “defamed” Seven Trent International to manage the water system of Nepal.
“We say Melamchi is necessary for Nepal, foreign aid is necessary for Nepal but it is unacceptable to bear the unwanted conditions. Agents and brokers of ADB have threatened us but we should not bow down to any kind of threatening.”
Dr. Bhattarai also said that his party welcomes foreign direct investment (FDI) with some terms and conditions based on national interest. “FDI that creates employment and transfers technology in this country would be acceptable. We are always committed to protect national industries, why we should not protect national industries while highly developed economies like America and France battle over the issue of protecting their national industries”, Dr. Bhattarai added.
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