Speaking in a press meet in Pokhara, Prachanda said, “Our party will launch a nationwide general strike if government doesn't take any initiatives for the management of cantonment sites by this evening.”
Prachanda further said that he informed Prime Minister GP Koirala about the decision to launch general strike over telephone Friday.
“PM has been informed that we cannot move forward by leaving 31 thousand PLA men in lurch. There is no other alternative to agitation if the government doesn't take initiatives for the management of Maoist camps by Saturday evening”, he said.
Reiterating his stance that the constituent Assembly elections could not take place until monarchy was abolished, the Maoist Chairman said that the NC was standing in the way of a republic declaration through the parliament. He was of a view that the CA polls could not take place if just one of the eight-parties speaks in favor of monarchy.
Prachanda added that though a polls date may be fixed for mid-November, the elections could take place without declaring a republican setup first.
Chairman Prachanda also stated that Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala was positive on the issue of declaring a republic through the parliament during meetings to this end.
On the occasion, he claimed that his party could set things right in Terai in just 15 days if the government was to authorize it to do so.
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